3. Towards Civil Disobedience

Swaraj Party

Simon Commission

i) look into the functioning of the constitutional system in India

ii) suggest any changes if there were necessary

i) The commission did not have a single Indian member they were all British

ii) It did not provide any hope  Swaraj to Indians

Lord Irwin offer

Lahore congress session

Eleven demands

 Events leading to the Salt March and Civil Disobedience Movement

 Events of Civil Disobedience Movement

Repression of Civil Disobedience Movement

Gandhi-Irwin Pact

Second Round Table Conference and Relaunch of Civil Disobedience Movement

Difference between Non-Cooperation Movement and Civil Disobedience Movement

Non-Cooperation Movement

Civil Disobedience Movement

How Participants saw the Movement

Rich Peasant Communities

Poor Peasant Communities

Business Classes/Industrialists

Industrial Working Classes

Industrial working classes participated in the movement demanding better wages and better working conditions in the factories.

Some workers joined the movement adopting Gandhian programme like boycott of foreign goods as part of their own movements against low wages and poor working conditions.

There were railway workers' strike in 1930 and dock workers' strike in 1932.

In 1930, thousands of workers in Chhotanagpur tin mines wore Gandhi caps and participated in protest rallies and boycott campaigns.

But the congress did not include their demands as part of its, programme due to fear of alienation of the industrialists and division of the anti-imperialists forces.


Participation Of Dalits(Untouchables)

Participation of Muslims in the Civil Disobedience Movement